Thursday, July 25, 2013

two conversations, twenty four hours

On poor timing:
Me: Hey, where's your going away party tomorrow?
Friend: It's tonight. Right now.

On elderly neighbors and their adult grandchildren:
Me: Is Mr. B OK? There was just an ambulance in front of his house. 
Neighbor's Son: Oh, that wasn't for Mr. B. That was for his grandson. He passed out or something.
Me: Oh, man. Well I'm glad it wasn't Mr. B again. I know an ambulance came by and took him to the hospital a few weeks ago.
NS: No, that was for his grandson, too.
Me: What happened? Does he have some kind of health problem?
NS: Mr. B stabbed him.
Me: I'm sorry, what?
NS: He got drunk and started swinging on Mr. B, and the old man stabbed him.
Me: How do you know that?
NS: Because he walked up to our house that night covered in blood, knocked on the door, and asked, "Do you have a cigarette?" I mean, I know that panicking makes you bleed to death faster, but dude took not panicking to the extreme. "Can I have a cigarette?" Yeah, man. You can have an ambulance, too.

In conclusion, A) I'm an idiot, B) our next door neighbor has hilarious kids, and C) never swing on sweet old Mr. B.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! Sweet old Mr. B...

    I think I'd stay off his lawn as well.
